So far I think NY goals are pretty modest, well compared to many, by that means I have a lot to do. First is completing my Imperial Guard set so I can actually play a game. I have most of them assembles and now need to finish the paint.
Next on the to do list is to complete the assembly and painting of the Imperial Guard sentinels. This shouldn't take too terribly long once I get going.
After you have little weapons, well you need some bigger guns and that means tanks. I have a Chimera which needs slight work to finish and hen paint and a LeMan Russ which is close to ready to paint
Sounds like no challenges so far and that is probably true. I do want to add some gun racks to the Chimera, but that is probably small potatoes. My first real challenge will be converting a Valkyrie to something like an A10 warthog. I've seen a few and think I can really make a change which is pretty cool.
While doing all of this, I need to build my kids a castle for play and that will be done with plaster and Hirst molds. Then I need to build the scale model for Castle Caldwell which will be a feat and at 4' x 4' a monster to behold.