Sunday, December 15, 2013

WIP Leman Russ and Chimera

Slowly but surely these two tanks are coming along. Spent too much time tonight working on rivets and hinges. I can't believe how many there are. Also attempted some muzzle burn on the Leman Russ. Need to run a brown wash over the Chimera. Definitely some areas to improve, but hopefully finished soon for a game.Paint scheme update...

Body - model color (Vallejo) USA olive drab

Gun muzzles and insignias - GW tin blitz

Other metal parts - model color gun metal grey with GW undercoat black

Light wash with GW devlan mud

Flash burn - model color gunmetal blue 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Oooh Treasure...AAAHHH! Reaper BONES Mocking Beast

Oooh Treasure... AAAAAH!

Mimic (Front View)
The Reaper BONES line has a couple of really great treasure pieces. I previously completed the Reaper BONES Treasure Chest ($2.99 ) post Found the Booty and then started working on this Reaper BONES Mocking Beast ($2.29) figure. 

Because the two start with the same basic piece, the treasure chest, I decided that the those identical components should be identical. The wood was painted with Citadel Chadathan Brown. The metal components (trip and handles) were painted with Citadel Chain Mail. For the interior of the mouth and the gums, I went with Citadel Crimson Gore. There is a skull in the mouth as well, which I painted with Citadel Bleached Bone. The teeth also were painted with the bleached bone. The skull and teach were then washed with the Citadel Devlan Mud. The tongue was given a little more pop by painting with Citadel Blood Angels Red. 
Mimic (Rear View)
Mimic (Side View)

I spent a good deal of time trying to get the weathering done. I did a double wash to the entire structure of the exterior. The first was a very thin Citadel Brown wash. This was followed by a wash of Citadel Devlan Mud. Because the Mimic should look old and dusty, I followed those with a dry brushing of Citadel Elf Grey to give the wood a more weathered and mildewed look. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Mean green

Since I am making steady progress on the IG troops, I thought it was time to get some transport options ready. Working on this Chimera and Leman Russ. These are continuing with the WWI/II US color scheme. These are painted Model Color US Olive Drab so far. Will get a brown wash, going to do some burn using Model Color Gun metal blue. Will get some rust using secret Weapon weathering and then some general wear/tear which I haven't figured out yet.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Reaper Bones work in progress


 To build off of the completed treasure chest, it only made sense to paint the mimic. Of course it has to be consistent, should we need a quick swap in game. The wood is the same Chadathan brown and the metal parts are Chain Mail. The tongue is Blood Angels Red and the inside of the mouth and the gums are Crimson Gore. The teeth have received an initial coat of Bleached Bone as did the skull inside the mouth. Quite a bit to go before it can be used in play, but it is moving along.


Since I started with the lowest risk pieces first, I started this fountain at the same time I started the treasure chest. The base stone was painted a Charadon Granite. The liquid within the fountain is Crimson Gore. There is a little writing on the back that is Red, but may need to be a bit deeper. The stone was deepened with a mix of Tin Bitz and Charadon Granite then the entire surface dry brushed with Shadow Grey. Lots to go on this piece, especially the demon face (maybe it is Cthulu) on the front. 

 Frost Giant

The next up is a beauty of a frost giant. This will be the first of the bigger pieces, but all you get is this picture. I need to go get a bunch of new paints before I even start this beast. Already I had to do the hot/cold water dip to straighten the sword, but it seems good to go know. Many of the pieces with extended parts/weapons from the Bones line need some slight readjustment. Just dip into some near boiling water, manipulate to the position you want and then dip into ice water. Instant fix and stays strong. You can also use this method for manipulating wings and other items just because.


Something for my friend Rob, I had to include this Lizardman in the mix of the first figs. Here are a couple of shots of him, but look for updates on this piece soon. I think over the next week, he will be getting some paint applied. Need to see what I have and what I need to move him along quickly.  I need to go through the Kickstarter to see how many more I have though. Have to have at least a haf dozen otherwise where is the fun?

Found the booty!

Treasure Chest

I've gone through and finished the first of the Bones pieces, this treasure chest. It was missing a few minor pieces, but now after completing the handle of the sword and another piece that I couldn't identify. So both of these pieces got a layer of Bolt Gun Metal and then a strand of something that I hit with Blood Angels Red. 

The chest is sitting on top of a treasure pile with a sword, amulet, oil lamp. The coins were painted up with Shining Gold, Chainmail, washed with Devlan Mud and then dry brushed with Chain Mail. The oil lamp is Copper, the sword has a Snakebite Leather Sheath with some Bolt Gun Metal parts (pommel, cross hilt). The chest itself is Chandathan Brown, with a brown wash. The metal is Chain mail with a Tin Bitz dry brush. A little amulet/disc painted turquoise and another chain/rope of Blood Angels Red finished it up. Time to seal and off to play.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Bones - treasure chest

The first of the Bones miniatures is reaching completion. I started with this treasure chest to test paint adherence and who doesn't want to find treasure? I used Citadel gold, copper, chainmail  for the treasure pile below the chest. This was washed with a devlan wash and then dry brushed with some chain mail to bring back some luster. The chest used chandathan brown with a brown wash. The metal parts are chainmail with a tin bits dry brush to wear. The next step is to finish up a couple of small pieces and add a weathering dry brush to highlight chest wear, then to seal up.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Project plans for 2013

So far I think NY goals are pretty modest, well compared to many, by that means I have a lot to do. First is completing my Imperial Guard set so I can actually play a game. I have most of them assembles and now need to finish the paint.

Next on the to do list is to complete the assembly and painting of the Imperial Guard sentinels. This shouldn't take too terribly long once I get going.

After you have little weapons, well you need some bigger guns and that means tanks. I have a Chimera which needs slight work to finish and hen paint and a LeMan Russ which is close to ready to paint

Sounds like no challenges so far and that is probably true. I do want to add some gun racks to the Chimera, but that is probably small potatoes. My first real challenge will be converting a Valkyrie to something like an A10 warthog. I've seen a few and think I can really make a change which is pretty cool.

While doing all of this, I need to build my kids a castle for play and that will be done with plaster and Hirst molds. Then I need to build the scale model for Castle Caldwell which will be a feat and at 4' x 4' a monster to behold.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Time get started anew

As is quite apparent, it has been a while since my last post and that last post was about the last time I painted. In the meantime, my third child was born and for that I am quite thankful. But now it is time to get back to some me time and that means finishing the IG army and completing my Castle Caldwell model. Keep on the lookout for more pics and posts in the near future, especially as the Reaper miniature bones start coming in...