Monday, September 2, 2013

Found the booty!

Treasure Chest

I've gone through and finished the first of the Bones pieces, this treasure chest. It was missing a few minor pieces, but now after completing the handle of the sword and another piece that I couldn't identify. So both of these pieces got a layer of Bolt Gun Metal and then a strand of something that I hit with Blood Angels Red. 

The chest is sitting on top of a treasure pile with a sword, amulet, oil lamp. The coins were painted up with Shining Gold, Chainmail, washed with Devlan Mud and then dry brushed with Chain Mail. The oil lamp is Copper, the sword has a Snakebite Leather Sheath with some Bolt Gun Metal parts (pommel, cross hilt). The chest itself is Chandathan Brown, with a brown wash. The metal is Chain mail with a Tin Bitz dry brush. A little amulet/disc painted turquoise and another chain/rope of Blood Angels Red finished it up. Time to seal and off to play.

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